Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Advantages of Eating Dried Meat like Jerky as a Source of Protein

Most frequently, people who welcome meat in their diet tend to believe that any kind of meat is good for them. Besides the medical concerns, there are fitness-related reasons as to why certain types are beneficial while others are not recommended. 

When we are talking about gym goers, athletes, weight lifters or simply people who want to lose weight, not all meat protein is the same. First of all, you want a good quality meat, from animals grown on pastures. Secondly, you want to get a good quantity of protein from what's in your plate. A piece containing fat will not have the same effects on your body as a lean steak. Ingested fat thickens one's adipose tissue so they will have to work harder at the gym. 

If you want meat without all the unnecessary grease or fat, then you must always make sure you're choosing lean varieties and cooking them in a healthy way (preferably grilled and with vegetables on the side, not sauce). If you require protein snacks to supplement your protein intake, then you have one handy and very tasty option. It's called dried meat, it's marinated and enriched with many incredible flavors, from spices to sweet mixes. 

In this category you have the popular beef jerky, its pork and turkey alternatives and the biltong, representing southern African tradition. This is still very little known to the average consumer. However, one should know that biltong is so much more than a delicacy. It is indeed similar to beef jerky, but there are important differences. 

Biltong is the name for dried cured meat – usually beef, but also ostrich or various game. It is cut in narrow strips and has a strong flavor from the spices used. Compared to beef jerky, it is produced in a different way. The method is rooted in ancient African meat preservation techniques. Vinegar is often used here to kill dangerous bacteria in the meat. There is no smoking or salt drying. As for the condiments, black pepper, coriander, brown sugar and salt are traditionally used. This is the standard recipe, but modern cuisine has come up with new additions. 

Dried meat products are packed with protein, without the carbs or the fat, nor the noxious additives. These get to support your fitness goals and provide the body with excellent nutrition. Have dried meat on the go whenever you need that extra protein to keep you going.

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