Thursday 29 June 2017

How is Beef Jerky Healthy and How to Include It in Your Diet?

The history of beef jerky is an interesting one. Nowadays, it is the snack choice for the fitness experts and those looking to lose weight, but the history of beef jerky go further back. In the earlier times, this used to be a way of storing meat for the winters when hunting was tough and food was tough to come by. It is believed that the first form of beef jerky might have been made by Native American descendants from the Incas.

Simply speaking, beef jerky is made by salting strips of meat and heating it till appropriately cooked. Nowadays, some light spices might be added to enhance its flavor and make it more delicious. Nutritionally speaking, this simple snack is a goldmine. Read on below to find out exactly what makes beef jerky from Top Herd so healthy:

Nutritional Count in Beef Jerky

·         Protein is obviously one of the most important nutrition present in beef jerky. Protein is one of the most important nutrients for those who are trying to lose weight or improve their muscle mass.    
·         Beef Jerky from Top Herd also contains other important nutrients like fat and carbohydrate. Healthy fats are extremely important for the body and carbohydrates can give you the energy required for daily tasks if taken in proper quantities.
·         Jerky also contains sodium and zinc which assist a number of important functions in the body. As you can see the nutrient count of beef jerky is diverse and complete.
Include Beef Jerky in Your Daily Meals

If you are tired of your diet plan and want to spice things up a little, beef jerky can come in handy. This will not only make your meals more delicious but also help you increase your intake of the healthy nutrients mentioned above.

Grated jerky can be a great addition to your everyday salad. Bit of jerky will not only give a whole new dynamic to a regular salad but also make it healthier. Chomped jerky can be added to your sauces to reduce them. Roasted beef jerky can be combined with Brussels sprouts for a quick healthy snack! 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Science-Backed Reasons to Eat a High Protein Diet

One of the biggest reasons for our failure to lose weight is our frequent hunger pangs as well as the sugar cravings. However, this can be easily beaten over if one takes high protein foods. This is so because proteins tend to inhibit our brain’s neuronal reward system which releases chemicals inducing false hunger pangs and even sugar cravings. There are various other benefits and solid reasons to opt for more of protein foods in your diet. Let’s know a few of them –

Proteins reduce appetite and hunger levels

There are three major macronutrients i.e. carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Our body is impacted differently by each of them. Proteins tend to keep you feel filled for longer hours. They reduce the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin while simultaneously boosting the levels of satiety hormone peptide YY. This makes you ingest less food and you start losing on your body fat. A study has shown that increasing protein intake from 15 to 30% can cause a calorie intake reduction of about 441 calories per day without any intentional cutting. Thus, you end up healthier and slimmer.

Read More Original Content at Protein Bars

Tuesday 18 April 2017

How can one Store dried meat? - Learn Some Tips and Tricks

There are various tips and tricks in this arena to store the dried meat properly so that its taste as well as freshness could be maintained. In this article, we shall discuss about the ways in which dried meat can be stored to make it last longer.

What are some of the facts to know about the dried meat strips?

The dried meat strips are often called as jerky. This is eaten along with various other products including cheese and other sauces. Here are some facts to know about such strips -
  • Such kind of meat is always advisable to the people who are trying to lose their weigh because it is high in sodium which boosts the process of losing the weight. In addition, dried meat is also enriching in various other proteins.
  • The dried meat strips are considered as the best snack to have in many countries. In America, the dried meat of cow is the most popular.
  • Since, you have just dried up the meat along with some spices, you can be sure that there are no preservatives in the meat.
  • Such kind of dried meat is often used in the outer space by the astronauts because of its consistency.
Read More Original Content at jerky

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Delicious high protein snacks from Top Herd

High Protein Foods
If you are concerned about your weight or an athlete wanting a good post-workout snack, then it’s time to think about snacking on jerky or adding jerky to your meal plan.

What’s so good about jerky?

It’s well accepted that meat is an excellent source of protein. Made from 100% natural beef and turkey, jerky is therefore an excellent source of protein. Not only is it high in protein but it’s gluten free, low in fat, and low in carbs. The method of preservation and drying intensifies the flavours while still preserving the nutrients. Our jerky is made with gluten-free ingredients and we are in the process of being approved by the Coeliac Society.

What does it taste like?

It tastes delicious. We have six flavours - chilli and lime turkey, smokey BBQ beef, honey mustard pork, zesty lemon turkey, tangy tomato beef, and sweet pickle beef. First, the meat is marinated for 12 hours in a variety of herbs and spices and then air dried to intensify the flavours which creates the best tasting jerky possible.

I’m an athlete, why should I eat jerky?

It’s high in protein. You need protein to fuel and grow muscles. Protein foods also keep you full for longer, which means you are less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Because jerky is dried and not cooked, it retains all the nutrients. The key to losing weight while gaining muscle, is to work smarter and not harder. This includes those little snack breaks. Our jerky is ready to go when you are, perfect to store in the pantry or locker at work or in the car whenever you need it.

Why is Top Herd’s jerky better than other protein options?

We know that to be strong and healthy, you need to eat high protein foods. Nutritionally superior to other meats, our jerky is made from 100% grass fed cattle, is higher in omega 3 and lower in fat. Protein bars, while convenient, are often sweet and highly processed. Our natural jerky is marinated, dried, and packaged with no chemicals, no sugar, and all in convenient resealable packaging - if you don’t eat the whole lot in one sitting, that is!

OK, I’m sold! Where can I buy Top Herd jerky?

Head over to our online store and we will ship your order to you as quick as we can.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Top Ways to Snack Smarter

Healthy SnacksNone of us can escape the urge to munch but it inevitably leads of adding that flab in your body. What people do not realize that just a little smartness on your snacking habit can help you block that weight gain and enjoy the pleasures of having a snack. We mention some simple strategies to adopt and reap benefits:-

Plan ahead

Opting for healthy snacks over the fast food ones and unhealthy ones are the first and very simple change that you must adopt. This requires planning and preparation in advance. Your cupboards and fridge should be cleaned of all fattening, starchy high-calorie foods. Instead, they should be replaced with low carb snacks as well as high protein snacks like ready to eat chopped and raw salad vegetables and fruits, low-fat yogurt, protein bars or even low carb snacks that you have precooked and kept aside to sate your cravings.

Keep short time between eating times

It is always better to eat light and at regular short intervals rather than going full and not eating for a long period of time. If the gap between two meals is extended, it is possible that your blood sugar levels dip too low inducing cravings which make you actually over indulge yourself. Nutritionists have pointed out that under-eating is the biggest cause of overeating.

Go for nuts

To satiate your midday slump, try going for a small portion of nuts like almonds, walnuts, roasted pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hazelnuts, etc. Their quantity should be low due to their high calories, but they also give you the much-needed heart healthy fiber and skin glowing nutrients.

Chew your food well

We all tend to eat our food fast, but studies have shown that people who really chew their food well tend to go fuller for a much longer period of time with no food cravings hitting them. Thus it’s best to spend time chewing the food you are eating.

Finally always put plenty of varieties in your snacks, and you are not getting bored, and your taste buds remain sated. Healthy snacks are a great way for you actually to obtain your optimal health and a healthy glow.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Lose Weight Effectively With Beef Jerky

Beef jerky diet is the 360 degree approach towards losing weight without compromising on the nutrients and vitamins. Beef comes under the category of lean meat, which promotes muscle building and inhibits muscle loss, when you are dieting.

Do you know that when you diet and adhere to a strict regimen, you tend to loss muscle more than fat? This is the reason why you feel week and tired. However, if you include beef jerky in your diet it provides you with energy, protein and mono saturated fats. Now, don’t panic after hearing mono saturated fats. Mono saturated fats are good fats and they help in fats solubility.

Let us understand the nutritional level to understand it completely.


One ounce of beef jerky contains almost about 9.4gms of protein. This is the same amount of protein as you get in high protein snacks. However, the protein in beef jerky is better than that, as it is unprocessed and doesn’t involve any chemical sautés.

Moreover, daily intake of protein for every individual is very necessary. Protein is broken down in the intestine that gets converted to amino acids. These amino acids in turn builds body tissues and enzymes used for regulating all major body functioning.


One ounce of beef jerky has 2.3 milligrams of zinc .Zinc is very important for your immune system. It plays a major part in cell division and proper cell multiplication. Deficiency in zinc will inhibit fast healing and also loss in taste and senses.


Contrary to the popular belief sodium is very much required for our body. However, you should not exceed it above 2,300 milligrams of sodium intake per day. Beef jerky contains 590 milligrams of sodium only that promotes in proper functioning of nerve cells.
Calorie count

Beef jerky contains about 140 fat calories per serving of 100 gm. This means, you can eat in intervals as per your daily calorie intake. With beef, you can successfully reduce fat weight and gain muscle. However, you need to exercise regularly for best results.